Friday, February 26, 2010

New Studio Location

Yeah- I told you big things were going to be happening. I've moved my studio to a new location!!! 177 S Anderson which is just a short hop away from where I was a Peggy's Emporium. I am so excited- A little paint and a few alterations and I will be set!!! Then I plan on running a bunch of model calls and updating my portfolio. I am also still entering the emails from the Taste of Chocolate and will be calling and announcing shortly the lucky winner of the $125 deluxe session drawing. There was such a great response and there are a lot of emails to enter before we kick off our new email newsletter. Be sure to sign up online, if you haven't already, I guarantee there will be some great deals for the Grand Opening of the new studio and Newsletter. So much going on and it's all very exciting changes.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's Fabulous February !!

This week Friday, 2/5/2010, Taste of Chocolate is downtown and runs from 5-8. As if the chocolate was not enough reason in itself, many companies are having extra sales and specials. Yum chocolate and shopping =)
ABC will have a little booth where people can sign up for our email newsletter. For signing up each customer will receive a $5 coupon to use in the next 6 months and be eligible for a grand prize drawing for a free family shoot worth $75. We will also be hosting a mini session day on Sunday Feb 7,2010 from 8-12. Sessions will be 20-30 minutes and cost $20. The theme for the mini sessions will be red and white. Background will be white and props will be red or white. Anyone can sign up for these sessions. Sign up is by noon Saturday. call 360-5848
I am looking forward to a great week.